Life Skills : Enemy Pie
“I think that my enemies have good inside them but have trouble showing it.”
This week, our Guidance Counselor: Cindy McDaniel (and sidekick Ollie the Goldendoodle), created a delicious experience for the "Circle of Friends" Life Skills group. As scholars came pouring into the classroom, they were welcomed by the aroma of freshly baked pies. The pies were set on a table that were covered in Kraft paper and equipped with sharpies for writing. Ms. Cindy also prepared some questions for discussions regarding enemies by writing them on spoons and passing them out to each scholar to answer during circle time. The group later listened to a story called "Enemy Pie" written by Derek Munson. Enemy Pie is wonderful story of a little boy that discovers that his enemy is not that different from him. In this character lesson about friendship and enemies, our scholars discovered that a true recipe for getting rid of an enemy is to turn them into a friend!