STEAM Lab Update!

Dear Parents,

Are your scholars excited about learning in Walter’s new home in our STEAM lab?  He is so excited to share his love of learning and discovery with all of his favorite friends here at OSOTA, and so am I!  This week many classes did their first hands-on exploration, and in the weeks to come there is so much more fun learning to be had!

Over the next few of months we will be completing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math) engineering projects. We need your help collecting recycled house-hold materials to enhance our innovative experiences.  If you have any of these items that you would like to donate please let me know.

Also, I am looking for a co-sponsor for our Lego Robotics Club.  We had some parents express interest, but are not able to follow through at this time.  So if you are a Lego-engineering enthusiast, please contact me ASAP.

I look forward to introducing your child to a world of scientific inquiry and creative discovery. Thank you for your support in this endeavor!

Mr. Phil Yost
STEAM Lab Director

Below you will find a list of materials that we could use your assistance in collecting: 

Used or Recycled Materials: 

  •  plastic fruit containers 
  •  lids of any size 
  •  oatmeal or coffee canisters 
  •  film canisters 
  •  spools 
  •  twisty ties 
  •  rolls from wrapping paper 
  •  the plastic parts from push-up pops
  •  metal washers 
  •  cardboard tubes 
  •  bubble wrap
  •  cardboard tray from water bottle case
  •  baby wipe containers 
  •  old CD’s 
  •  corks 
  •  Pringles cans 
  •  pie tins 
  •  small plastic tubs 
  •  Styrofoam trays (not from meat, though!) 
  •  packing materials

New Craft, Home, and Office Supplies

  • coffee filters 
  • toothpicks 
  • Q-tips 
  • paper or plastic plates 
  • paper or plastic cups 
  • cotton balls 
  • straws 
  • dry pasta 
  • wire 
  • tape
  • clothespins
  • popsicle sticks 
  • coffee stirrers 
  • aluminum foil 
  • saran wrap 
  • plastic baggies 
  • string or yarn 
  • rubber bands 
  • paper clips 
  • pipe cleaners

Oh, The Places We'll Go!


The Curious Space of Grace Center