Announcing OSOTA's 2016 Christmas Production

The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear.

If you needed a reason to anticipate Christmas this year, which premieres in exactly 87 days, look no further than One School of the Arts.

Announcing the 2016 Christmas production of Elf Jr. The Musical, directed by Mr. Ashley Richards, OSOTA’s new theater director.

This contemporary Christmas classic (modified for the stage and school productions) has already been a much anticipated hit among our scholars.

Auditions will be held THIS week, and communication has already been circulating throughout the school.


Scholars in 5th – 12th grade are auditioning for parts Wednesday and Friday from 4pm – 6pm.

This will be a whole school production so even scholars in PreK – 4th will be considered for festive roles.

About the Director

Mr. Ashely Richards has a degree in theater and brings 25 years of professional acting experience to OSOTA. His passion is to help children remember it’s okay to pretend.

“I enjoy acting, pretending, and I love to work with kids because I don’t have to grow up. I get to play!”

This sentiment definitely becomes Mr. Richards. He brings such humor and personality to the team, and his breakout choice for this year’s production invites joy and playfulness.

At the same time, Mr. Richard is a true creative thinker. He believes Elf Jr. The Musical tells a very positive message that people of all ages can relate to.

“You have this sort of zainy character and you put him into a situation... everything turns into something positive because it's life through the eyes of an innocent.”

The big theme of this year's production is that what we lose as life goes on, can be brought back to life when we choose to believe...with childlike faith.

Mr. Richards hopes One School of the Arts' theater program  becomes one of the most recognized theatrical programs in the southeast.

And, if it's not obvious, we're really excited that Elf Jr. The Musical is coming to a stage near us! 


GINORMUS EVENT: Elf Jr. The Musical Opens Friday!


Whatever Things Are Lovely, Think on These!