S.T.E.A.M. Initiative

Many of you know that I am the Arts Director here at One School. However, this year I have the privilege of also leading our STEAM initiative!  STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math and is an integrated philosophy of education that allows for innovative exploration and collaboration.


Behind the scenes here at One School, our team of amazing educators collaborate regularly to explore and learn ways that they can implement STEAM into their classrooms. Our goal this semester is to have at least 2 project based lessons in each class that incorporates all five content areas related to STEAM. In addition, our teachers are focusing on intentionally integrating Art into the STEM subjects at least once a week. This creates a fun, collaborative and holistic environment for learning that fosters innovation and critical thinking.

Below, you can check out 2 of the many STEAM related activities our teachers have already implemented this year. We will keep you posted with updates, photos and blogs about our STEAM initiative throughout the year or should I say "throughout the #bestyearever ". So make sure to stay tuned!  Also, please visit  "Our Philosophy"  page to get a full scope of One School's teaching strategies such as Whole Brain Teaching, Character Traits, Project Based Learning and more. 

If you have any questions regarding STEAM or would like to donate art supplies and/or tinker toys (bolts, wires, buttons, ect) to our labs, please feel free to contact me anytime! Thank you for embracing and supporting our initiative to generate creative projects for our scholars' imagination and learning. 



Mr. Ryan Frye
Arts Director


Click on the pictures below to read more about the lab. 

Mrs. James STEAM LAB REPORT : The Study of the Human Eye

Mrs. James STEAM LAB REPORT : The Study of the Human Eye

Ms. G - STEAM LAB REPORT : Lego Ratio and an Illusion Multiplication Art Activity

Ms. G - STEAM LAB REPORT : Lego Ratio and an Illusion Multiplication Art Activity


Letter From Ms. Campbell & See You at the Pole Video


STEAM Lab Reports : Ms. James' Study of the Human Eye