Early Childhood Celebrating Graduation with Mickey

It's the end of the school year and  the time of year where parents experience mental slideshows of their scholar's memories, from fussy newborn to energetic toddler to funny and fun-to-be-with preschooler. Your "not-so-little-anymore" son or daughter is graduating from Early Childcare and we understand how incredibly proud you must be. So what better place to celebrate our joy together than at the happiest place on earth: Walt Disney World! Jenna Christian, Director of Early Childcare and Pinterest guru, has put together the most adorable shirts. Each one customized for the little graduate, his/her parent(s), and one for each teacher to wear proudly on the trip. Congratulations to all the snuggle buddies, doodlebugs, pumpkins, princesses and little guys graduating Pre-K this week!


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Scholar Spotlight: ANNABEL A. KOVACSIK