Dr. Suess Week - Recap
Article written by Kimberly Gordon
My daily goal is to "do all for the Glory of God." It is with this knowledge that I enter the classroom each morning. God has graciously granted me 18 years in education, both in and out of the traditional classroom setting. Read Mrs. Gordon's full Bio here
Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened.
-Dr. Suess
Dr. Seuss celebrations abounded throughout Early Childhood and Lower Elementary at OSOTA last week! And, "Oh the places we did go! " As you walk around the Early Childhood classrooms, you can see so many activities based on children’s books! What a wonderful thing to be able to connect children’s literature through all content areas of the classroom! Second Grade partnered up with Kindergarten for several activities. The second graders were welcomed as "Celebrity Upper-Classmen" as they read books such as Fox in Socks and The Foot Book to the kindergartners. There was also a "Green Eggs and Ham" taste test. It must have been good because the word around town is that scholars were asking for thirds! Speaking of thirds, Third Grade ended their celebration week by creating "Oobleck" in Science to go with Bartholemew and the Oobleck. Good thing we were able to pull apart the scholars before the end of the day. Oobleck can get pretty sticky! First grade had a grand time acting out scenes from our favorite books and discussing the lessons to be learned from Seuss' books. Isn't it great that learning can be done while having fun?! Hey! I'm beginning to sound like Dr. Seuss...let me out on the loose!
Of course, all of this was complimented by the wonderfully creative, festively outrageous, stupendously imaginative participation by so many scholars and staff for our Dr. Seuss themed week of costuming. Be sure to check in on Schoology for pictures that are worth a thousand words and for Early Education families, please view through the pictures below. Oh how fitting for the celebration of a man who was never short of verbally stimulating prose!
Dr. Suess Week | Early Education Album