
Greetings One School Family,

Helen Keller was asked, "What would be worse than being born blind?" She replied, "To have sight without vision." 

It is with deep, heart-felt gratitude that I want to say thank you to each family who has joined their hearts in faith with our team and rallied behind the vision of our school to accomplish incredible things this year.  Thank you families for your patience, encouragement and vision! In this beautiful Christmas season my heart is full because I have already received so many gifts!  From parents who filled out surveys and gave us insightful wisdom to aid in the process of transforming our school to the wide-eyed, precocious darlings who are discovering the joys of dance, daily I find myself surrounded by evidence of God's hand and grace at work. 

Before Thanksgiving break I sat across from a mother with tears in her eyes who thanked our school team for helping her get her son back.  This year she already has received her Christmas miracle because her son now looks forward to getting up every day and going to school where he was previously depressed and despondent.  

The powerful love you feel as you walk through these halls is inspiring. Thank you so much for being a part of our school community!  We believe that Jesus meant his words in John 10:10 "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."    It's with wide-eyed anticipation that we humbly look forward to this next half of the school year.

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas.   

With joy,

Mrs. Campbell


8th Grade English, the Merry Crew Trial


A day at the Brevard Museum