Most days, a walk into room 210 would reveal engaged scholars playing a highly complex game of Chess, either the same five-hundred year old game a prince of Spain played or their own competitive game to declare checkmate.

Sometimes it’s spirited; after all, it’s still a board game to some, but the safe, competitive environment consistently encourages scholars to take risks, navigate around problems or face them directly, build a community of respect, share knowledge, to teach and learn, and to be vigilant.  

an excerpt from : "More Than Just a Game" written by Rhonda Adorno
Read the full article here.


Dear Families,

We are excited to offer  an OSOTA Chess Club as a before school enrichment opportunity for all scholars in grades 4th – 11th!

This is the second year we have hosted the Chess Club, and Mrs. Adorno and Mr.  Marin will be the club administrators. There is a one-time club fee of $20 which will position our club to register with the US Chess federation, earn rankings for local tournaments, and purchase chess gear.

Chess Club will meet on Tuesday mornings,
from 7:25am-8:25am, beginning September 29, 2015.

All scholars who wish to join the club must play a Chess Qualifying Game with the administrators who will perform a skill assessment.

In order to qualify scholars must pass two levels.

  • The first level is chess terminology, etiquette, and formation of pieces.
  • The second level involves strategy and development.

The Chess Qualifying Game will be held on
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 7:25 am sharp.

More information will be provided following the official posting of members.

Please contact Mrs. Adorno with any questions:


First Open Mic of 2015-16 School Year


Kindergarteners First Day at School